Orange Groves and Spiders It was 1965, and for me, there was no greater joy than the first day of summer break from school. The three months to come seemed like an eternity back then. I couldn’t even comprehend the end of it. I had a sense of freedom that would remain unmatched for the rest of my life. And when I say freedom, I mean it quite literally, at least from my view. Yes, us kids had rules, but there was nothing about any of them that interfered with our interests. Weekdays were ours … [Read more...] about Orange Groves and Spiders

Remarkable Recovery from DAI
This is a must watch video (52 minutes) for my family and dear friends who are praying for Jude's recovery. It chronicles the amazing recovery of a young man who sustained a Diffuse Axonal Injury, very similar to Jude's. If nothing else, it confirms why we should maintain our hope. Ben Shultz was in a coma for 9 weeks before he showed any progress. While the recovery was slow, ultimately it was nothing short of a miracle. Set aside some time so you can watch in its entirety. There are parts … [Read more...] about Remarkable Recovery from DAI
Brain Injury Resources
For my family and friends who are seeking information about acquired brain injury, often referred to as ABI.I am in the process of researching various medical and other sources to help us cope with the recent car accident where our beloved, Jude Sky Walker, obtained many injuries, including an ABI on May 12, 2023. There is so much we do not know about his condition, I thought it would be helpful to collect relevant information to help us all understand, cope, and even help him in his … [Read more...] about Brain Injury Resources
My Journey to Anarchism
Yes, my political beliefs are radical. That does not make them wrong, illegal, or abhorrent.I knew better, but a few days ago I made the mistake of participating in an online "discussion" where I had been criticized for promoting anarchism. It came from one of my posts which had been shared by a good friend. As most political discussions do, it quickly devolved into a hot mess of childish accusations, ad hominem attacks, and even indirect threats of violence. After I'd had enough, I … [Read more...] about My Journey to Anarchism
The U.S. Justice System is Rigged
Following are just a few of the reasons all Americans should be suspicious of our current justice system. This is not to say we should not have some system of justice, but that in the very least, it is in need of vast reform. My personal opinion is that our entire justice system should be placed in the hands of private organizations. That may be too extreme for most, but if nothing else, I hope you'll agree that our system is not serving us well. At least not all of us. Spend a few minutes … [Read more...] about The U.S. Justice System is Rigged