What I don't know (and neither do you):I don't know what's going to happen in the future with respect to COVID-19. You don't either. And neither do the experts in those fields.I don't know how long it will take for our economy to recover or what measures should be taken to limit the negative effect of the shutdowns. You don't either. And neither do the experts in the field.I don't know which, if any, of the experts to believe. Neither do you. And neither does anyone else.What I do … [Read more...] about What I Know and What I Don’t Know
A Question of Government Overreach
I expect a new Department of Homeland Infectious Disease Security soon, with a corresponding Patriot Act-like law to go with it. Then a TSA type department to screen for infected people will soon appear. This will be permanent and our lives will be disrupted forever. It’s not a big stretch to believe this. It happened already only eighteen years ago and in much less dire circumstances.Let us not forget that the Patriot Act allows our government to detain anyone suspected of terrorism … [Read more...] about A Question of Government Overreach
My Experience on Jury Duty as a Libertarian
In November of 2019, I completed my "duty" as a member of a jury pool in Hardin County, Kentucky. It was an interesting experience where I learned how the process works--at least in my small corner of the country. Now that it's over, I've concluded that I was forced, under the threat of violence (my notice came in the form of a summons), to participate in a process I found morally unacceptable. Not because I believe the concept of jury trials is wrong, but because of how it was administered. I … [Read more...] about My Experience on Jury Duty as a Libertarian
Registering a Car from New Mexico
Following is an excerpt from a chapter in my second novel, Status Schmo. You get a good idea what a shit-show Joe's (protagonist) life is about to become as he tries to register a car purchased in New Mexico at a Kentucky DMV. This stuff really happens, folks.Joe opened the door to the DMV and confronted a massive, unruly crowd. It was worse than a gaggle of the worst of humanity and grumpy senior citizens at Golden Buffet on one of those all-you-can-eat seafood nights when the staff … [Read more...] about Registering a Car from New Mexico
Why I Know, Without the Slightest Reservation, That God Exists
Not long ago, I was watching a video podcast debate with Dr. Jordan Peterson and Matt Dillihunty (who is a professional skeptic and athiest). Both are brilliant men and the session was fascinating. They were discussing the existence of God. This is a high level and deep discussion and not for the faint of heart. I was disappointed though because they failed to discuss the biological phenomena of how we become human. They both agreed there is no biological or physical evidence of any kind to … [Read more...] about Why I Know, Without the Slightest Reservation, That God Exists