For my family and friends who are seeking information about acquired brain injury, often referred to as ABI.
I am in the process of researching various medical and other sources to help us cope with the recent car accident where our beloved, Jude Sky Walker, obtained many injuries, including an ABI on May 12, 2023. There is so much we do not know about his condition, I thought it would be helpful to collect relevant information to help us all understand, cope, and even help him in his recovery. Further, I’ll be posting other information including some videos that have inspired me to have more hope–mostly accounts of others who have not only survived similar injuries, but who have also recovered.
Some of this information is statistical in nature. Let us not get wrapped up in statistics. We all know his injuries are serious. We also know that many, many people defy the odds. Some have full recoveries and some have partial recoveries. We are also hoping and praying for a miracle and know these are not subject to odds in any way.
Following are what I’ve found so far. Please let me know if you have any problems with the links. Also, I have not fully vetted these links. If you find something you think might be sketchy in any way, please let me know that too.
I found this guide very helpful and informative. It was published in 2021:
The practical guide to understanding and responding to acquired brain injury
From the Brain Injury Association, this article discusses the difference between Acquired Brain Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury. The website has a great deal of other useful information as well.
Difference between ABI and TBI
New Mexico offers various resources for families of those with brain injuries:
New Mexico Brain Injury Resources Center
Goveror’s Commission on Disability/Brain Injury Advisory Council
We have been told that Jude’s brain injury is called Diffuse Axonal Injury. I’ll have more on this in future posts, but I found this video inspiring and encouraging. Note, you’ll have to click again when this comes up. Click on the Watch on YouTube link to watch this.
Recovery from Diffuse Axonal Injury
Looking forward to recovery, this is an interesting article about working with communication challenges:
A Means of Identifying, Recording, and Tracking Communication Impairments
I intend to keep up with this research. I hope you find it helpful. I will continue to add more posts as time permits.