Last week I had an epiphany, but before I get to that let me share some background. First, I absolutely despise traveling. Don't get me wrong, I like to visit friends and family, I just hate the process. Among travel modes, flying is by far my least desirable method of travel, but driving isn't much better. Until a year ago, I used to make frequent trips to northern Georgia for business. If traveling in ideal conditions, the drive would be about five and a half hours. … [Read more...] about There Are Just Too Many People
Losing to an Army of Karens
"418,000 Americans died in World War II. Now we blindly piss away those hard-fought freedoms, allowing ourselves to be ruled by tin-pot tyrants"THE KAREN PREMISE: "We should stop at nothing to prevent all deaths from COVID-19. This is why we should all be okay with shutting down our entire way of life. Get used to it. It's the new normal."THE KAREN PREMISE, UNPACKED: Yes, we'll lose more people from deaths of despair caused by the shutdown than from the virus itself, but those deaths … [Read more...] about Losing to an Army of Karens
How Strongly Do You Adhere to Your Principles
It's never a bad idea to critically analyze your own beliefs. As a lower case libertarian, I like to believe my principles are my guide with respect to nearly everything in life. Those principles might be based on any number of things which led me to my current world view. I also like to believe my principles are based on logic, reason, and rational thought. While these principles guide me, I'm not perfect and in certain circumstances, I may reluctantly but willingly violate them. I believe you … [Read more...] about How Strongly Do You Adhere to Your Principles