It is with my deepest regret and heart-felt grief, that I announce the death of our beloved, Nuance. Nuance passed away after a hard fought, 40 year battle with the cancer known as Instant Knowledge and Expertise. Nuance was a hard earned but cherished gift to humanity, now completely squandered away for the sake of trying to impress our friends with our instant, automatically endowed expertise in everything, to be used as a scathing verbal and written weapon, usually bravely delivered by keyboard, against the great unworthy.
Sadly, with the passing of Nuance, we have entered a new Age of Instant Knowledge and Expertise and set aside the old fashioned concepts of civil behavior and the use of reason. Rest in Peace, Nuance. You will be missed by a small, but dedicated and loyal following as we descend into social Hell. We, though small in number, are acutely aware of your value to the human condition since the 1600s. It is our hope and prayer that you emerge again some day in spirit, enough to help us all find our way back toward an enlightened and civil humanity.